- Božić, Andrea and Julia Willms. "A World." 2013
- Božić, Andrea in conversation with Maren Butte and Kirsten Marr. "Staging Rehearsal: About After Trio A." Methodologies of Presentation in Art and Dance: Assign & Arrange, edited by Butte, Maren et al. Sternberg Press, 2012, pp. 2010-230.
- Hic et Nunc, Austria, 2014
How To Exit a Reality (Attempt 1 of 19) (2021)
- Brecht Hermans. "Van Utrecht in 1603 tot de maan in 2059.", Theaterkrant, Nederland, 2 November 2021
The Cube (2015-2022)
- Ramsay Burt. "Andrea Božić and Julia Willms 'The Cube'. Stadsschouwburg, Utrecht, Spring Festival.",Aestetics, contemporary art and contemporary dance,, 25 May 2016
The Room (2014)
- Zeitgenössische Kunst im Stift Klosterneuburg,, 25. April 2014
Intergalactic - An Attempt to Overcome the Binary (2013)
- Sander Hiskemuller. "Intergalactic.", Trouw, Nederland, 11. March 2013
- Braam van Leuven. "Intergalactic (An Attempt To Overcome The Binary) breekt ruimtes radicaal open.", Cultuurbewusst, Nederland, 11 maart 2013
The Picture (2011)
- Lucette ter Borg. "Onderzoek van de stilte. Luid Land.", NRC, Nederland, 5 april 2012
Beginning (2009)
- Rianne Werring. "Fascinating from the Beginning to the End.",8weekly, Nederland, 23 april 2009
- Nataša Govedić. "Subversive Duets.", Novi list, Rijeka, Croatia, 5 June 2011
- Katja Šimunić. "Outlining The View/ Movement.",, 6 June 2011