The Room

Audio visual installation, site specific, projection foil, 2,5 m x 4 m, Quicktime film, 8:35 min, 2014

Concept, animation, video: Julia Willms; Sound: Sebastian Frisch
Thanks to Andrea Bozic

The exhibition Here & Now / Hic et Nunc consists of 10 artistic interventions which are exhibited in the Klosterneuburg monastery on the occasion of its 900th anniversary:

The Room is a site specific audio visual installation for the wine cellar of the monastery. As the visitor leaves the ground level and descends the stairs into the foundation of the building, they encounter the installation as a natural extension of the cellar itself. The Room is a tunnel-shaped labyrinth of the various and contradictory spaces of the monastery: the wine cellar, the emperor suites, the outside pathways. These rooms are extracted from the original building, out of their hirerarchical and vertical context, and placed into one continuous ongoing horizontal strip – a tunnel. The tunnel has no beginning or end – it loops into itself with every subsequent loop shifting elements of one space into another. The Room is a journey. The wine cellar, the monastery’s belly and guts, becomes a place where space and time function differently.

Site-specific works by Mladen Bizumic, Eva Chytilek, Manuel Gorkiewicz, Nilbar Güres, Christoph Meier, Marusa Sagadin with Chris Fladung, Steinbrener/ Dempf, Nicole Wermers, Julia Willms and Clemens Wolf

Curators: Christine Haupt­Stummer (section.a), Cosima Rainer
Curation, project management and editor catalogue: section a, in comission by Stift Klosterneuburg, supported by Mondriaan Funds and TILT.

Klosterneuburg is a 20 min drive from Vienna – for more information, please visit their website.


- Hic et Nunc, Klosterneuburg, Austria 2014
The installation was installed for several years on site.

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