Urban Household

Digital collages,  35 x 52,5 cm / 90 x 60 cm, 2007/2008

Collages based on digital imaging techniques

The digitale collages rest on a paradoxical logic. Flora and fauna in a seemingly peaceful fusion with architectural interiors. A line of trees along the brim of a bathtub. Miniature trees on a little hill inside a deserted room, its walls peeling off. The juxtaposition of these images does not form a discrepancy but rather a dynamic fusion. The houses are progressively invaded by vegetation which weaves itself into its structure, so that the vegetation in turn is progressively invaded by the houses. The meeting of those spaces gives the woods an attribute of a decorative flower pot in a room and at the same time the interior a connotation of being part of a wildlife.
Both readings lie next to each other simultaneously and unfixed. Every attempt to fix them leads to another reading.

- Cite de l’image, Clervaux, Luxembourg, 2014 (installation in public space for a year)
- Space Affaris | Raumaffairen | Affaires D’Espaces, Musa Wien, Vienna, Austria, 2012
- Open Dag, De Vlugt, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 2012
- Virtually Real, Burton Galerie, Leeds, UK, 2011
- Virtually Real, Blythe Galerie, London, UK, 2010
- Blickwechsel – Österreichische Fotografie Heute, Schauplatz für Fotografie Westlicht, Vienna, 2010
- Szenario, Fotoforum, Braunau, Austria, 2009
- What you really need, MKH Wels, Wels, Austria, 2009
- GAM | Obrist Gingold Gallery, Essen, Germany, 2008
- W139/Basement, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 2007
- Walter Koschatzky Art Prize 2007, Mumok, Vienna, 2007


- Collection of the Rotary Club, Albertina Vienna, 2007 (Urban Household 1)
- Collection of the City of Vienna, 2008 (Urban Household 1)
- Collection of the City of Wels, 2009 (Urban Household 6)
- diverse private collections international

Urban Household 1, 35 x 52,5 cm, 2007
Urban Household 4, 90 x 60 cm, 2008
Urban Household 5, 90 x 60 cm, 2008
Urban Household 6, 60 x 90 cm, 2008
Urban Landscape 1, 90 x 64 cm, 2008

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