2022Mondriaan Voucher, The Netherlands
2021-2024Structural funding for TILT Amsterdams Fonds voor de Kunst (AFK), The Netherlands
2021Kickstart Funds, The Netherlands
2020Tijlfonds, Prins Bernhard Cultuurfonds , The Netherlands
2020Project funding for How To Exit A Reality, Dutch Performing Arts Fund (FPK), Amsterdams Fonds voor de Kunst, Prins Bernhard Cultuurfonds, Horizon
2015-2021SED studio subsidy, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
2019Spectra Salon subsidy, Municipality East, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
2017-2018Project funding for PoroCity, Amsterdam Fund for the Arts (AFK), Dutch Performing Arts Fund (FPK), Prins Bernhard Culture Fund, Municipality East, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
2017Spectra Salon subsidy, Municipality East, Amsterdam
2016-2017Research grant for Spectra, DAS Research, Amsterdam
2015-2016Development grant from the Amsterdam Fund for the Arts for Spectra
2015Project grant from Bundeskanzleramst Österreich for the exhibition Spectra: Light Like a Bird, Not Like a Feather
2013Project funding for Intergalactic (An Attempt To Overcome The Binary) from the Dutch Performing Arts Fund (FPK), the Amsterdam Fund for the Arts (AFK) and SNSReaal Fund
2013-2017Basis stipend, Mondriaan Funds, The Netherlands
2009Start stipend for Video- and Mediaart, BMUKK, Austria


2011Blick nach draussen, Kunstpreis der Gemeinde Rastede, Germany


2007Walter Koschatzky Award 2007, Mumok, Vienna, Austria
2005Kunsthalle Wien Award 2005, Vienna, Austria


2007Walter Koschatzky Award, Mumok, Vienna, Austria